Kamis, 19 April 2018

Review Sistem Operasi Android

I want to try to give my opinion about the   operating system used on the smartphone. I prefer choosing a smartphone based on android, because android is a container or a place that is very easy to understand by smartphone users. The development of the android system is also very fast, until now android has reached Android 8.0 (Oreo). The features that exist on android is also interesting and can be developed easily by the android system developers. Android also has the most users in the world compared to the IOS operating system.

The most commonly used platform on the Android system is the Google Play Store. That is a place where one can download various kinds of supporting applications on the android system. Available applications are also diverse, some are free and some are paid. In addition to Google Play Store most often use is social media. From start facebook, twiiter, line, whatsapp.

But social media that I often use is facebook. I'm a facebook user from 2009 until now, a lot of changes that occur and of course follow the development of the times that occurred. From facebook I get a forum community either from school or hobby. Can communicate with each other and share stories or photos / videos in it. But now facebook is no longer popular first. many social media users who are now leaving facebook and closing accounts.

Name : Wahyu Dimas Prambudi


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